Hello, it is me again.
Where have I been you ask? I never left. I only paused sharing my work longer than I expected until it got easier to not post at all than to explain why I come and go.
So why are we back here? Not posting made me realize it is not just about writing for me. I love to share my thoughts, observations and lessons with you. Interacting with all of you brought me back here.
From the start, the plan was never to stop blogging. I only wanted to take some time off to make a content plan, figure out how much information I want to share here and work through personal things. At the time, I also felt as though I had too many things going on, or rather, I didn't know how to balance everything. As a result, some important things, like my blog, suffered.
Other than that, I keep getting emails asking where I went or why I am not posting anymore. This one person even asked to be put back on my mailing list because she stopped getting notifications! You know, instead of all these pushing me to go back to writing sooner, I got scared. I was scared that my blog meant something to not just me. I was scared that I would let them down or not be able to keep it going. But you know what? We do it afraid if we have to!
When do I plan to abandon you again? Never. I have no intentions of leaving you, taking a break from writing or anything close to that.
So, to a fresh start? Pleeeeeaaaasssee!
I hope its a yes. If it is, see you again on Friday at 10.00 a.m. EAT
//Till next time✌🏽//