‘¿A qué te dedicas?’ is one of the ways you ask someone what they do in Spanish. It directly translates to ‘to what do you dedicate yourself’ I think work should be that! Something you dedicate yourself to.
I did a poll on WhatsApp a while back asking my friends whether or not they thought passion is important when it comes to working and building a career generally. At the time of this poll, I was searching for answers for myself. I was at a point where I didn’t feel as though my job was in line with my passion or rather my heart wasn’t able to settle there. I had really tried to love it, stay positive and open-minded so that my performance is not affected. I managed to do that but I still felt that it wasn’t where I wanted to be.
A significantly higher percentage was of the opinion that it is not. The remaining percentage said passion is everything! To be honest, both sides made very compelling arguments. The ‘passion is not important’ side said we don’t always get the chance to choose our passion as our career. That is true! Others said that sometimes you are not very good at what you are passionate about, like good enough to make money from it. (Like me and singing!) Or your passion cannot exactly be monetized, though I think at this time you can monetize pretty much everything. There were a few that said work should not be fun or something you enjoy. The ‘passion is everything’ side said that there was no point in doing something you don’t like or that which drains you repeatedly when you have others that you enjoy.
After listening to everyone, I had to sit and think about what passion meant to me. I finally did. I think it depends on the individual. Personally, passion is everything. When making decisions about the things I want to do in the future, I always start by looking into the things I love to do. The things that I enjoy and the things that make me feel alive. I am among those people that work from my heart. If my heart is not in it (and it feels like I am being drained) there is no need for me to continue with it.
There are many advantages of doing things you are passionate about. One, you are more likely to excel at something that you enjoy doing compared to what you don’t. Two, when faced with a challenge, you are more likely to face it than to run from it. When it’s tough, it becomes some sort of labour of love. Should I go on to talk about the satisfaction that comes with it? I do acknowledge though, that we don't always get the chance to choose what we want! Or rather it is not as easy. Sometimes though, I think we tend to choose the safer option or what we are already used to. At the end of the day, I think it is for you to decide. Is it important or not for you? Either way, whatever you settle for should allow you to be the best version of yourself.
Well, that's it from me.
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See you again on Friday at 10.00 a.m. EAT
//Till next time✌🏽//